Imoca Teamwork


On Monday November 21, in the heart of the Caribbean night, Justine Mettraux finished her Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe in seventh place. She completed the transatlantic race in 12 days 13 hours 26 minutes and 35 seconds, 19 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds after the winner, Thomas Ruyant. Quite a performance, given that this was her first major solo ocean race in an IMOCA class. The Swiss […]
By teaming up with Julien Villion for all the double-handed races in the 2023 season, Justine Mettraux is banking on the renowned performance and weather strategist qualities of the man who has been part of the Teamwork team since he entered the IMOCA class last year. The "Jujus", as they are already known on the pontoons, are training their weapons to give Teamwork the best it has to offer, which […]
At 2pm on Thursday June 29, the IMOCA TeamWork was relaunched after a long winter refit. During these 6 months, the technical team in Lorient worked hard to improve and optimize the IMOCA, which was not originally designed for the Swiss sailor. The choice was made to carry out this long refit this year, in the absence of Justine Mettraux (at sea with 11th Hour Racing Team in The Ocean Race), […]
On July 22, Justine Mettraux and Julien Villion will compete in the prestigious Rolex Fastnet Race, which celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year. Following Teamwork's relaunch on June 29 after a six-month refit, this is the first event in a program that will take the double-handed team all the way to the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre in November. Between Cowes, the Irish Fastnet […]
At the end of a race that lived up to its reputation - 40 knots of wind in the English Channel and more than 160 retirements (a third of the fleet)... - Justine Mettraux and Julien Villion finished 7th in Cherbourg, an enviable position on paper but also given the conditions of this fiftieth edition of the prestigious Fastnet. For its first race of the season, Teamwork held its own in the first part […]
On November 10, 2024, Justine Mettraux will take the start of the Vendée Globe and set herself the majestic challenge of sailing non-stop around the world, single-handed. Solo... and yet, it's a promise: Justine will never sail alone. She can count on the loyal support of her partner Teamwork and all those close to her, as you will hear in this podcast, which will enable you to learn more about Justine, […]
From September 19 to 24, Justine Mettraux and Julien Villion will be taking part in the Défi Azimut, the final event of the season before the Transat Jacques Vabre (start October 29). 
This atypical event, held in Lorient, will this year be run in two acts, given the difficult weather conditions forecast for Wednesday: a 48-hour offshore race and speed runs. A new opportunity to position yourself […]
The final dress rehearsal before the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre, the Défi Azimut - Lorient Agglomération brought together the cream of the IMOCA class, with 34 boats lining up at the start of the 600-mile race in the Bay of Biscay. Justine and Julien confirmed that they can compete with the best, and that ocean racing is not just about pure speed. With an impeccable track, a great deal […]

The second episode of "You'll never sail alone" focuses on the beautiful story that Justine and her loyal partner Teamwork have been writing together for 10 years now. Together, we retrace this decade of sailing projects, from the Mini class to the IMOCA class, from settling in Lorient to dreams of the Vendée Globe. Always with the same concept: Justine's friends and family, people she […]

It's THE event of the year 2023, the one that the entire IMOCA fleet has ticked off in its diary for this double-handed season. Like their 39 competitors, Justine and Julien have convoyed Teamwork to Le Havre, where the start of the 16th Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre will be given on Sunday October 29: 5400 miles await them via the Doldrums before reaching Fort de France. A demanding and […]

The start of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre, originally scheduled for Sunday October 29 at 13h29, has been postponed to a later date. The strong low expected in the Bay of Biscay since the beginning of the week finally arrived 24 hours ahead of schedule, bringing 80-knot winds and 10-metre seas. This situation has prevented the race directors from launching the race for […]

9 days late, due to the storms Ciaran and Domingos, the Transat Jacques Vabre finally got underway for the IMOCA boats on Tuesday November 7 at 9:30 am. The 40 IMOCA boats set off in a west-south-westerly wind of around twenty knots, gusting to over 30 knots. Ahead of them lies a course of 3750 nautical miles to Fort-de-France, via the island of Santa Maria in the Azores archipelago, […]

In an improbable scenario written by Justine Mettraux and Julien Villion, Teamwork kept the suspense alive over the 12 days and kept many people dreaming in this Transat Jacques Vabre. From the fifth day onwards, the Jujus put on their crampons and ice-axe to take on the elements and write a story that will go down in the annals of history. A one-man cafe that could have been won with […]

A six semaines du départ de la Transat CIC qui ouvrira la saison IMOCA 2024 le 28 avril prochain. TeamWork officialise son partenariat avec le Groupe Snef. Avec un ADN d’entrepreneur et un fort goût pour la technique et l’innovation, l’association Teamwork - Groupe Snef, deux entreprises indépendantes et engagées dans la voile depuis de nombreuses années, présentent de nombreuses valeurs […]
Un mois presque jour pour jour avant le départ de la Transat CIC entre Lorient et New-York, Teamwork-Team Snef a été remis à l’eau hier. Après quatre mois d’un chantier qui a notamment permis d’installer les nouveaux foils prévus dès l’année dernière, le plan VPLP de Justine Mettraux retrouve son élément avec de nouvelles ambitions. Celles de Justine, elles, n’ont pas varié d’un […]
Pas de hors d’oeuvre ni d’amuse-bouche en 2024 pour les IMOCA ! C’est en direction de New-York que Justine Mettraux placera l’étrave de son 60 pieds le 28 avril prochain au départ de Lorient, à l’assaut de l’Atlantique Nord et des dépressions encore actives au printemps. La navigatrice n’aura eu que 20 jours depuis la mise à l’eau de Teamwork - Team Snef le 28 mars dernier pour […]
C’est parti ! Le départ de The Transat CIC a été donné ce jour à 13h30 dans un flux de sud-ouest de 10 - 12 nœuds. Après un parcours spectacle qui les a amenés à faire le tour de l’île de Groix, les 48 concurrents de l’ex Transat Anglaise ont pu pointer leur étraves vers l’Atlantique Nord et New York. Justine Mettraux, à bord de l’IMOCA Teamwork – Team Snef rivalisait dès […]
La suissesse, à bord de son IMOCA Teamwork Team Snef, a bouclé les 3500 milles nautiques de The Transat CIC à 9h11’ 20’’ ce mercredi 7 mai 2024. Ces 8 jours, 19 heures et 41 minutes de course dans l’Atlantique Nord, face aux dépressions et face aux vagues n’auront pas été de tout repos et auront permis à Justine Mettraux d’encore fiabiliser son bateau. En effet, pas épargnée par […]
En terminant à la septième place de The Transat CIC, Justine Mettraux a non seulement signé une belle performance en solitaire sur l’Atlantique Nord mais elle a aussi validé sa qualification pour le Vendée Globe. Et plutôt que de rentrer en convoyage, la skippeure de TeamWork - Team Snef en redemande et veut profiter d’une occasion supplémentaire, la dernière avant le tour du monde, de […]
Ce mercredi 29 mai, à 20h, heure française, sera donné le départ de la New York Vendée, dernière grande répétition générale avant le Vendée Globe. Hier, mardi 28 mai, 24h avant le coup d’envoi, Justine Mettraux, à bord de son IMOCA Teamwork – Team Snef, a quitté son mouillage au Pier 6, au pied de la Skyline de Manhattan pour rejoindre la ligne, virtuellement mouillée à 93 milles […]
Entamée le 28 avril, la campagne américaine de Justine Mettraux s’est achevée ce midi devant le chenal des Sables d’Olonne, précisément là où elle s’élancera le 10 novembre prochain pour le Vendée Globe. Derrière le symbole, c’est la deuxième transat réussie pour la navigatrice qui termine 8ème en Vendée après sa 7ème place à New-York et ajoute ainsi 6120 milles au loch de […]
À quelques jours du Défi Azimut Lorient Agglomération qui débute ce 10 septembre, tous les clignotants sont au vert pour Justine Mettraux et son IMOCA sorti de chantier depuis déjà fin juillet. Sur les runs de vitesse, autour de l’île de Groix mais surtout pendant la course au large de 48 heures dont le départ sera donné jeudi, la navigatrice aura à coeur de montrer une nouvelle fois qu’elle […]
Ce samedi 14 septembre à 12 heures 29 minutes et 50 secondes, Justine Mettraux, à bord l’IMOCA TeamWork - Team Snef, a franchi la ligne d’arrivée des 48H du Défi Azimut en 8ème position (avant jury). Elle a bouclé le parcours de 455 milles en 1 jour, 21 heures, 28 minutes et 50 secondes.